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Mount Batur

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Mount Batur

Mount Batur
Elevation 1,717 m (5,633 ft)
Listing Spesial Ribu
Mount Batur is located in Indonesia Bali
Mount Batur
Bali, Indonesia
Coordinates 8°14′31.2″S 115°22′30″E / 8.242°S 115.375°E / -8.242; 115.375Coordinates: 8°14′31.2″S 115°22′30″E / 8.242°S 115.375°E / -8.242; 115.375
Type Volcanic caldera
Last eruption 2000
Mount Batur (Gunung Batur) is an active volcano located at the center of two concentric calderas north west of Mount Agung, Bali, Indonesia. The south east side of the larger 10×13 km caldera contains a caldera lake. The inner 7.5-kilometer-wide caldera, which was formed during emplacement of the Bali (or Ubud) ignimbrite, has been dated at about 23,670 and 28,500 years ago [1]
The SE wall of the inner caldera lies beneath Lake Batur; Batur cone has been constructed within the inner caldera to a height above the outer caldera rim. The Batur stratovolcano has produced vents over much of the inner caldera, but a NE-SW fissure system has localized the Batur I, II, and III craters along the summit ridge. Historical eruptions have been characterized by mild-to-moderate explosive activity sometimes accompanied by lava emission. Basaltic lava flows from both summit and flank vents have reached the caldera floor and the shores of Lake Batur in historical time. The caldera contains an active, 700-metre-tall stratovolcano rising above the surface of Lake Batur. The first historically documented eruption of Batur was in 1804, and it has been frequently active since then.
The caldera is populated and includes the two main villages of Kedisan and Toya Bungkah. The locals largely rely on agriculture for income but tourism has become increasingly popular due to the relatively straightforward trek to the summit of the central crater.[2]
The lake, Danau Batur, is the largest crater lake on the island of Bali and is a good source of fish.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ (Wheller 1986, Sutawidjaja et al. 1992).
  2. ^ Langston-Able, Nick (2007). Playing with Fire: Adventures in Indonesia. Freakash. pp. 85–98. ISBN 9780955340345. http://www.Adventures-in-Indonesia.co.uk. 

[edit] External links

Kintamani travel guide from Wikitravel

Mount Agung

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Mount Agung

Mount Agung in 1989
Elevation 3,142 m (10,308 ft) [1]
Prominence 3,142 m (10,308 ft)
Listing Ultra
Translation Paramount, The Great Mountain
Mount Agung is located in Indonesia Bali
Mount Agung
Bali, Indonesia
Coordinates 8°20′31.2″S 115°30′28.8″E / 8.342°S 115.508°E / -8.342; 115.508Coordinates: 8°20′31.2″S 115°30′28.8″E / 8.342°S 115.508°E / -8.342; 115.508[1]
Type Stratovolcano
Last eruption 1964[1]
Easiest route Hike
Mount Agung or Gunung Agung is a mountain in Bali, Indonesia. This stratovolcano is the highest point on the island. It dominates the surrounding area influencing the climate. The clouds come from the west and Agung takes their water so that the west is lush and green and the east dry and barren.
The Balinese believe that Mount Agung is a replica of Mount Meru, the central axis of the universe. One legend holds that the mountain is a fragment of Meru brought to Bali by the first Hindus. The most important temple on Bali, Pura Besakih, is located high on the slopes of Gunung Agung.[2]
Gunung Agung last erupted in 1963-64 and is still active, with a large and very deep crater which occasionally belches smoke and ash. From a distance, the mountain appears to be perfectly conical, despite the existence of the large crater.
From the peak of the mountain, it is possible to see the peak of Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok, although both mountains are frequently covered in clouds.



[edit] The 1963-64 Eruption

On February 18, 1963, local residents heard loud explosions and saw clouds rising from the crater of Mount Agung. On February 24, lava began flowing down the northern slope of the mountain, eventually traveling 7 km in the next 20 days. On March 17, the volcano erupted (VEI 5), sending debris 8–10 km into the air and generating massive pyroclastic flows.[3] These flows devastated numerous villages, killing approximately 1500 people. Cold lahars caused by heavy rainfall after the eruption killed an additional 200. A second eruption on May 16 led to pyroclastic flows which killed another 200 inhabitants.[4]
The lava flows missed, sometimes by mere yards, the Mother Temple of Besakih. The saving of the temple is regarded by the Balinese people as miraculous and a signal from the gods that they wished to demonstrate their power but not destroy the monument the Balinese faithful had erected.

[edit] Climbing the Mountain

View from the top
There are two routes up the mountain, one from Besakih which proceeds to a higher peak and starts at approximately 1,100 m (3,610 ft) and another which commences higher from Pura Pasar Agung, on the southern slope of the mountain, near Selat and which is reputed to take four hours. There is no path between the two routes at the top. Cecilie Scott[5] provides an account of the ascent from Pura Pasar Agung. Greg Slayden describes a climb from Besakih[6] claimed to have taken a remarkable four and a half hours to the peak and Ken Taylor[7] that took much longer and which included getting lost.
Guides are available in Besakih and the mountain can also be climbed without a guide. The climb from Besakih is quite tough. It is sometimes tackled as a single climb generally starting about 10.00pm for a dawn arrival at the peak and sometimes with an overnight camp about three quarters of the way up. It is far harder than the more popular Balinese climb up Gunung Batur. It is not a mountain that needs ropes and not quite high enough for altitude sickness but adverse weather conditions develop quickly and warm waterproof clothing is required and should be carried. There is no water available along the route.
Proceed through the temple complex then continue on a path that travels continuously upwards on a steep narrow spur through open forest and jungle most of the way. There is little potential to get lost until the route opens up towards the top where the correct route doubles backwards. Many climbers miss this turn and continue up a small valley which can be climbed out of with some difficulty.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Mount Agung travel guide from Wikitravel

Pura Besakih

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
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Pura Besakih
Pura Besakih adalah sebuah komplek pura yang terletak di Desa Besakih, Kecamatan Rendang Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia. Komplek Pura Besakih terdiri dari 1 Pura Pusat (Pura Penataran Agung Besakih) dan 18 Pura Pendamping (1 Pura Basukian dan 17 Pura Lainnya). Di Pura Basukian, di areal inilah pertama kalinya tempat diterimanya wahyu Tuhan oleh Hyang Rsi Markendya, cikal bakal Agama Hindu Dharma sekarang di Bali, sebagai pusatnya. Pura Besakih merupakan pusat kegiatan dari seluruh Pura yang ada di Bali. Di antara semua pura-pura yang termasuk dalam kompleks Pura Besakih, Pura Penataran Agung adalah pura yang terbesar, terbanyak bangunan-bangunan pelinggihnya, terbanyak jenis upakaranya dan merupakan pusat dan semua pura yang ada di komplek Pura Besakih. Di Pura Penataran Agung terdapat 3 arca atau candi utama simbol stana dari sifat Tuhan Tri Murti, yaitu Dewa Brahma, Dewa Wisnu dan Dewa Siwa yang merupakan perlambang Dewa Pencipta, Dewa Pemelihara dan Dewa Pelebur/Reinkarnasi.

Daftar isi


[sunting] Filosofi

Keberadaan fisik bangunan Pura Besakih, tidak sekedar menjadi tempat bersemayamnya Tuhan, menurut kepercayaan Agama Hindu Dharma, yang terbesar di pulau Bali, namun di dalamnya memiliki keterkaitan latar belakang dengan makna Gunung Agung. Sebuah gunung tertinggi di pulau Bali yang dipercaya sebagai pusat Pemerintahan Alam Arwah, Alam Para Dewata, yang menjadi utusan Tuhan untuk wilayah pulau Bali dan sekitar. Sehingga tepatlah kalau di lereng Barat Daya Gunung Agung dibuat bangunan untuk kesucian umat manusia, Pura Besakih yang bermakna filosofis.
Makna filosofis yang terkadung di Pura Besakih dalam perkembangannya mengandung unsur-unsur kebudayaan yang meliputi:
  1. Sistem pengetahuan,
  2. Peralatan hidup dan teknologi,
  3. Organisasi sosial kemasyarakatan,
  4. Mata pencaharian hidup,
  5. Sistem bahasa,
  6. Religi dan upacara, dan
  7. Kesenian.
Ketujuh unsur kebudayaan itu diwujudkan dalam wujud budaya ide, wujud budaya aktivitas, dan wujud budaya material. Hal ini sudah muncul baik pada masa pra-Hindu maupun masa Hindu yang sudah mengalami perkembangan melalui tahap mitis, tahap ontologi dan tahap fungsional.

[sunting] Objek penelitian

Pura Besakih sebagai objek penelitian berkaitan dengan kehidupan sosial budaya masyarakat yang berada di Kabupaten Karangasem Provinsi Bali.
Berdasar sebuah penelitian, bangunan fisik Pura Besakih telah mengalami perkembangan dari kebudayaan pra-hindu dengan bukti peninggalan menhir, punden berundak-undak, arca, yang berkembang menjadi bangunan berupa meru, pelinggih, gedong, maupun padmasana sebagai hasil kebudayaan masa Hindu.
Latar belakang keberadaan bangunan fisik Pura Besakih di lereng Gunung Agung adalah sebagai tempat ibadah untuk menyembah Dewa yang dikonsepsikan gunung tersebut sebagai istana Dewa tertinggi.
Pada tahapan fungsional manusia Bali menemukan jati dirinya sebagai manusia homo religius dan mempunyai budaya yang bersifat sosial religius, bahwa kebudayaan yang menyangkut aktivitas kegiatan selalu dihubungkan dengan ajaran Agama Hindu.
Dalam budaya masyarakat Hindu Bali, ternyata makna Pura Besakih diidentifikasi sebagai bagian dari perkembangan budaya sosial masyarakat Bali dari mulai pra-Hindu yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan unsur-unsur budaya yang berkembang, sehingga mempengaruhi perubahan wujud budaya ide, wujud budaya aktivitas, dan wujud budaya material. Perubahan tersebut berkaitan dengan ajaran Tattwa yang menyangkut tentang konsep ketuhanan, ajaran Tata-susila yang mengatur bagaimana umat Hindu dalam bertingka laku, dan ajaran Upacara merupakan pengaturan dalam melakukan aktivitas ritual persembahan dari umat kepada TuhanNya, sehingga ketiga ajaran tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan dalam ajaran Agama Hindu Dharma di Bali.

[sunting] Sekilas tentang Agama Hindu Dharma

Agama adalah ajaran tentang Ketuhanan. Semua agama adalah benar adanya. Marilah kita sebagai manusia, mengayomi agama-agama yang ada, di seluruh dunia. Agama Hindu lahir dari peradaban di sekitar sungai Shindu, berawal dari India, sekitar tahun 5500 sebelum masehi.
Agama Hindu di Bali mendapat tempat di hati masyarakat, karena dianggap ssuai dengan kebudayaan berkembang saat itu.

[sunting] Pranala luar

Koordinat: 8°20′31″N 115°30′00″E / 8.342°LU 115.5°BT / 8.342; 115.5
Ruang nama
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Tirta Gangga

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Asia : Southeast Asia : Indonesia : Bali : East Bali : Tirta Gangga
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The Water Palace
The Water Palace
Tirta Gangga is a village in East Bali.

[edit] Understand

Tirta Gangga literally means water from the Ganges and it is a site of some reverance for the Hindu Balinese. Strictly, the name refers to the water palace built here in 1946 by the King of Karangasem. It is though widely used to refer to the general area which includes the water palace and some particularly stunning rural areas around.

[edit] Get in

Tirta Gangga is a popular side trip from the nearby coastal resort towns of Amed and Candidasa. Organised tours are widely offered.
Public buses run from nearby Karangasem town and Perama [1] buses can be chartered from Candidasa.
If you are driving yourself, Tirta Gangga is on the main east coast road just north of the town of Karangasem (Amlapura) and is fairly well signposted.

[edit] Get around

This is a great area of Bali in which to walk with many small roads and paths to explore.

[edit][add listing] See

The primary draw in this area for visitors is the Tirta Gangga water palace, a lovely maze of pools and fountains surround by a lush garden and stone carvings and statues. The one hectare complex was built in 1946 by the late King of Karangsem but was destroyed almost entirely by the eruption of nearby Mount Agung in 1963. It has been lovingly re-built and restored and has an air of authentic royal magnificence. The centrepiece of the palace is an eleven tiered fountain, and there are many beautiful carvings and statues adorning the gardens. This is a great spot to unwind and it has a real atmosphere of old Bali. You can bathe in the pools for a small charge which is additional to the Rp 6,000 entrance fee.
Rice paddies north of Tirta Gangga
Rice paddies north of Tirta Gangga
The area around Tirta Gangga holds some stunning rice paddy terraces. Those postcard pictures of Bali rice terraces which you have all seen are usually from photographs taken here.
Lempuyang Temple (Pura Lempuyang Luhur) is about 10 km east of Tirtagangga on the slopes of Mount Lempuyang. This is one of the key nine directional temples on the island. Park in the car park and walk up the steps to the temple. The lower temple is always open but the upper temple (at the top of the dragon staircases) is often locked, so it is best to go with a Balinese driver who will usually be able to arrange for the temple priest to open it up for you. It's situated high up a mountain and there are magnificent sunset views at dusk.
Taman Ujung to the southeast of Karangasem (Amlapura) is another water palace built by the predecessor of the King who constructed Tirta Gangga. It must be said that it is rather inferior, but still a charming attraction and worth a visit. Taman Ujung was built in 1909 as a relaxation and recreation palace by the then King of Karangasem, I Gusti Bagus Jelantik. It was largely destroyed by the eruption of Mount Agung in 1963, damaged again by an earthquake in 1979, and has not been restored on the same scale as Tirta Gangga. You do get a sense of how lovely it must have been though. From Tirta Gangga, head back south to Karangasem and then take the minor road south east to the village of Ujung. Taman Ujung is another 2 km past the village, very close to the coast. If you are staying in Tirta Gangga or Candidasa, you will certainly be offered tours which include Taman Ujung.

[edit][add listing] Do

Pura Lempuyang Luhur, nr Tirta Gangga
Pura Lempuyang Luhur, nr Tirta Gangga
  • This is a great trekking area with some of the best walks in Bali to suit all levels of fitness. Guides can be arranged easily at the water palace or from your hotel. The areas around Selat and Sideman (off the main Karangasem to Rendang road) are especially good. A good stating point for trekking information and for finding a knowledgeable guide is the Genta Bali restaurant at the water palace. As a rule of thumb, look to pay about Rp 70,000-100,000 per hour for a reputable guide.

  • Bathe in the pools at Tirta Gangga.
  • Take photos. Almost every twist and turn you make in this area presents yet another photo opportunity. The terraced rice paddies and other landscapes are especially attractive but do not neglect the water palace itself.

[edit][add listing] Buy

There are many souvenir shops and stalls at the entrance of the water palace.

[edit][add listing] Eat

Good Karma is a great value, long-established restaurant above the main car park of the water palace.
Tirta Ayu inside the water palace is a good quality restaurant with a superb aspect looking out over the pools and gardens.

[edit][add listing] Drink

[edit][add listing] Sleep

There are several budget accommodation options alongside the main road both south and north of Tirta Gangga. Look for the signs.
  • Cabe Bali, Temega village (about 1.5 km south of the water palace), +62 363 22045, [2]. Delightful bungalows in a very rural Balinese setting. Great gardens and a public swimming pool. German owned and managed. From Rp 700,000.  edit
  • Dhangin Taman Inn, (right by the entrance to the water palace), +62 363 22059. Basic rooms aimed at the budget traveller. From Rp 90,000.  edit
  • Kusama Jaya Inn, +62 363 21250. Budget acommodation just to the north of the water palace. From Rp 90,000.  edit
  • The Villas at Tirtagangga, Tirtagangga, +62 363 21383, [3]. Three different private villas adjoining the Water Palace. The largest of them, Villa Tirta Ayu, incorporates the former King of Karangasem's personal chambers. From US$ 120 to US$ 400.  edit
  • Tirta Ayu Hotel & Restaurant, Tirtagangga, +62 363 22503, [4]. The only hotel located inside the famous Water Palace at Tirtagangga. The hotels award winning restaurant is elevated to take in the vista of the beautiful gardens with the crystal clear ocean in the distance. Prices from RP 800,000.  edit

[edit] Get out

The popular coastal resort towns of Candidasa and Amed are easily reached in about 20 minutes from here.
This is a usable article. It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow!

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